16 Aug 2018
landscaping shrubs

Hardscaping vs. Landscaping — What’s the Difference?

Not sure what the difference is between hardscaping and landscaping? Although these two design elements are required for a fully functional landscape, they are entirely different in nature. To understand how to blend them together to create an attractive and inviting backyard, we’ll show you what distinguishes each element and how they can be combined to create the perfect outdoor oasis.


Hardscaping refers to the non-living elements that are solid and unchanging throughout your landscape like the interlocking walkways and patios, the retaining walls, pool patios, stone waterfalls and fountains, asphalt, lighting, and pool features. Hardscape is often used to gain extra livable space in your yard and to accent all of your natural features. This is what landscapers start with to create the boundaries, overall shape, and artistic design of your yard.

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18 Jul 2018
our top 5 benefits of a full fledged landscaping renovation

Our Top 5 Benefits of a Full-Fledged Landscaping Renovation

Are you tired of having to upgrade or maintain a portion of your landscape each year? One year it’s the patio stones, the next it’s the retaining wall, then the pool area and no matter how much work you put into it, it can feel impossible to keep up and achieve that polished looking yard that you’ve been dreaming of. If this sounds familiar, then it might be time to engage in a full-fledged landscaping renovation.

Starting fresh can improve the overall appearance of your property and reduce the hassle of constant repair and maintenance that takes away from your precious summer weekends. To help you decide if this is the right option for you, check out our top five benefits of a full-fledged landscaping renovation for your home exterior.

Save Time

Do you spend a majority of your summer fixing up your hardscape elements or re-designing a damaged garden after a hard winter? If you have an outdated landscape design, chances are you’ll need to spend a significant amount of time and money trying to fix it up year after year. Instead, save yourself the effort and get the entire landscape improved in one go so you can finally just sit back and enjoy it.

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